League of Legends Patch 13.20 brought about significant changes to the meta. The adjustments made to anti-snowballing and the jungle have created a whole new metagame that rewards unique picks and makes scaling mages, like Orianna, the go-to champions. While there are still some long-standing champions that dominate the meta, certain adjustments, such as early game rune nerfs and item buffs, have had an impact.
In this edition, we will discuss the changes to ADCs in Patch 13.20 and highlight the five best ADCs to climb ranks. Whether you’re aiming to reach higher elo or simply looking for a new ADC to play, this list will help you make an informed decision.
Bạn đang xem: 5 Best ADCs to Climb Ranks in League of Legends Patch 13.20
Changes to ADC in Patch 13.20
Let’s start with the biggest change in this patch: Jinx buffs. After dominating the early parts of the season, Jinx fell out of favor. However, the recent buffs have propelled her to a god-like status. In fact, Riot has already planned a set of nerfs for her in the upcoming patch. These buffs have made her a top pick once again, and she is currently one of the strongest ADCs in the meta.
In terms of nerfs, Kai’Sa’s dominance with her Lethality build caught the attention of Riot. As a result, she is receiving a small nerf to her base armor. While this nerf weakens her early laning phase, it is important to note that Caitlyn’s strength doesn’t help Kai’Sa either.
5. Caitlyn
After receiving buffs in Patch 13.18 and with the nerfs to other ADCs, Caitlyn has gradually risen in priority and has secured the fifth spot in our list. In high elo, she is terrorizing the game with her Lethality build. The key to playing Caitlyn in Patch 13.20 is to take advantage of her long auto-attack range. She excels at lane bullying, so maintaining lane priority is crucial. However, her playstyle does require practice, and she has some weaknesses, such as the lack of a reliable escape and subpar damage against tanks.
If you’re interested in learning more about Caitlyn and how to master her, we recommend checking out our guides on MOBAFire. Additionally, you can find the best picks against Caitlyn on Counterstats.
4. Jhin
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Jhin’s spot hasn’t changed much despite scaling being favored in the meta. Engage supports make Jhin a deadly laner, and this is even more true in Patch 13.20, especially with the rise of tank champions like Rammus. While Jhin is dropping from the third spot in our list, he remains a great pick thanks to his Deadly Flourish (W), which roots enemies, and the extra damage from his ultimate, Curtain Call.
To maximize Jhin’s potential, we recommend mastering his combo potential and optimal trap placement. Our recommended MOBAFire guides can help you become the Virtuoso. Additionally, Counterstats provides information on the best picks against Jhin.
3. Ziggs
Breaking the mold of traditional ADCs, Ziggs takes the third spot on our list. He has always been a strong champion in the bot lane, but Patch 13.20 has taken him to another level. The radius buff to his Bouncing Bomb (Q) has made trading against him almost impossible, and when paired with engage supports, his burst combo can one-shot most carries. However, Ziggs does have limitations, such as lower DPS compared to traditional ADCs, reliance on hitting skill shots, and vulnerability to assassins.
If you want to play the Hexplosives Expert to annoy your enemies or obliterate Dragons with your Mega Inferno Bomb, our recommended MOBAFire guides can provide you with the knowledge you need. And if you’re looking for the best picks against Ziggs, Counterstats has you covered.
2. Jinx
After being out of the meta for months, Jinx has made a big comeback. Patch 13.20’s slower game pace allows her to scale and become the hypercarry she is. What sets her apart in this patch are the buffs to her ultimate, Super Mega Death Rocket!, and her passive, Get Excited!. These buffs make it easier for her to dish out damage and turn team fights in her favor. However, Jinx has her weaknesses – she is immobile and struggles against long-range champions like Ezreal and Caitlyn.
To learn more about Jinx and how to maximize her potential, we recommend consulting our MOBAFire guides. If you’re having trouble dealing with Jinx, Counterstats can provide you with information on the best champions to pick against her.
1. Ezreal
The top spot on our list goes to Ezreal, who continues to shine without any nerfs from Riot. With Trinity Force, Ezreal’s damage output remains great, and his E ability, Arcane Shift, allows him to escape even the most dire situations. However, Ezreal is a high-skill capped champion. To excel with him, you must hit most of your skill shots, as missing a Mystic Shot means losing your attack speed stacks. Good positioning is also crucial for success.
If you’re interested in mastering Ezreal and taking your gameplay to the next level, our specialized MOBAFire guides can provide you with invaluable insights. And if you’re looking for the best picks against Ezreal, Counterstats is the place to go.
Honorable Mention
In addition to the top five ADCs, we also want to give an honorable mention to Swain, Kai’Sa, and Ashe. AP mages like Swain are performing exceptionally well in the bot lane, and it’s worth checking them out. Kai’Sa is still a strong pick, though Caitlyn and Ziggs are her tough matchups. Lastly, Ashe remains a menace in the bot lane, but she’s not as dominant as she was in previous patches.
In conclusion, the best pick is the one that you enjoy playing the most. While the champions on this list are strong, a well-played champion will always come out on top. If you’re looking to improve your gameplay with any champion, we have guides for all champions on our website, which has been a trusted community-driven guide platform for over 10 years. Visit us at Wqaindia to find the guides you need.
1. Why are these five ADCs considered the best in Patch 13.20?
These ADCs have either received buffs or are well-suited to the current meta, allowing them to dominate games and climb ranks effectively.
2. Are these champions recommended for all levels of play?
While these champions can be successful in most elo brackets, some of them require more skill and practice to fully utilize their potential.
3. Can I play other ADCs and still find success in Patch 13.20?
Absolutely! While these ADCs are currently at the top of the meta, there are always alternative picks that may suit your playstyle and preferences better.
4. Are there any other ADCs worth considering in Patch 13.20?
Swain, Kai’Sa, and Ashe are also worth considering as they still have their strengths and can be successful in the right hands.
5. What is the best way to improve my ADC gameplay?
Practicing mechanics, studying guides, and watching high-level gameplay can significantly improve your ADC skills. Additionally, focusing on positioning and map awareness can make a big difference in your performance.
Patch 13.20 has brought about significant changes to the ADC meta in League of Legends. The five best ADCs to climb ranks are Caitlyn, Jhin, Ziggs, Jinx, and Ezreal. Each of these champions has unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your playstyle and preferences the best. Remember, regardless of which champion you choose, practice and dedication are key to success. So go out there, have fun, and climb those ranks!
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