Sunday, 19 Jan 2025

37 Tips For Monster Hunter: World Newcomers

Welcome to the world of Monster Hunter: World! Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the series, this guide is packed with valuable tips to help you navigate the vast and complex world of monster hunting. We’ve compiled this list of tips and tricks to make your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Combat & Character Builds

  1. Learn the Behaviors: Each monster you encounter is a unique and complex creature with its own patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. Take the time to observe and learn about each creature you hunt. Tracking footprints and consulting your monster guide will help, but nothing beats firsthand experience.

  2. Watch for Behaviors: Monsters don’t have health bars, so pay attention to their behaviors during combat. As the fight progresses and you deal more damage, monsters will start behaving differently. Look for signs like limping or pauses in combat. When a creature is close to death, it will take a nap to restore its health – seize that opportunity to deliver a powerful blow.

  3. Master Your Weapon: Take the time to understand your chosen weapon. Each weapon has its own unique movesets and capabilities. For example, bowguns can use different ammunition loadouts, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Experiment with different weapons and find the one that suits your playstyle.

  4. Team Up: If you’re struggling with a tough monster, don’t hesitate to call for backup. Use SOS Signals to invite friends or other players to join your hunt. During campaign missions, you’ll receive a message allowing you to send out a flare and request assistance.

  5. Sharpen Your Weapons: Keep an eye on your weapon’s sharpness during battle. Dull blades are less effective, so take a moment to sharpen them when the monster is distracted or running away.

  6. Utilize Traps: Craftable traps can be a game-changer in battle. Pitfall traps and electric traps can immobilize enemies, giving you precious seconds to land powerful hits on their weak spots. Make sure to prioritize their use.

  7. Break Enemy Parts: Target specific areas of a monster’s body, such as tails or horns, to break them off. Breaking off body parts not only weakens the enemy but also prevents them from using certain attacks. Collect these broken parts as extra crafting materials.

  8. Palico Support: While your Palico may not deal significant damage, it can serve as a useful distraction during solo hunts. Wait for the monster to focus on your Palico, then seize the opportunity to attack.

  9. Don’t Be Discouraged: Losing a battle is not the end of the world. You have three attempts on every hunt, so use them wisely. Learn from your mistakes and try again.

  10. Use Your Slinger: The slinger may not deal much damage, but it can be useful for gaining a monster’s attention or interrupting its attack animation.

Resources & Crafting

  1. Crafting Essentials: Always keep an eye on your crafting options. The best place to craft is in front of your item box, where you can combine items from both your item box and pouch.

  2. Manage Your Inventory: Consider what items you need to carry with you. If you’re a melee class, there’s no need to carry ingredients for blowgun ammo. Drop unnecessary items and make space for those you’ll actually use in the field.

  3. Upgrade Your Equipment: Regularly visit the workshop to upgrade your weapons and armor. Remember, equipment is crucial for leveling up your character. Focus on upgrading weapons that suit your playstyle, and don’t feel the need to craft every piece of armor you come across.

  4. Resource Control Center: The Resource Control center in Astera offers both quest-turning and rewards. Check in often to receive new quests and obtain additional rewards beyond monster drops.

  5. Efficient Gathering: When mining, foraging, or carving, hold down the button instead of tapping it repeatedly. Your hunter will continue until the resource is fully depleted.

  6. The Versatile Bone Armor: The bone armor set is a great starting point for beginners. You can obtain most of its pieces from bone piles scattered throughout the world. It provides good resistances against fire and dragons, which are common threats.

  7. Explore Town Upgrades: Don’t miss out on optional town upgrades and associated quests. These upgrades, such as the fully-functional harvest bin and Palico crew, offer valuable benefits and convenience.

  8. Botanical Research: Unlock the Botanical Research center to grow agricultural resources like honey and herbs. These resources can be used to craft useful potions, so make sure to stop by regularly.

  9. The Meowscular Chef: Keep an eye out for the Meowscular Chef’s tasks near the cantina icon on your map. Completing these tasks rewards you with better meals that grant higher-quality buffs.

  10. The Elder Melder: As you progress, unlock and utilize the Elder Melder. This shop allows you to combine items you don’t need to create valuable ones, like ancient potions. Make frequent use of this feature, but double-check that you’re not accidentally giving up valuable materials.

  11. Explore with The Argosy: The Argosy is a cargo ship that brings shipments of items every few quests. Customize the categories of items you receive and make sure to spend your research points efficiently.

  12. Resource Farming: Fast travel back to camps to make areas reload, allowing you to farm resources like honey and bone piles more efficiently.

  13. Set Bonuses: Pay attention to set bonuses and mix and match armor pieces to create powerful and focused builds. Each armor set has different requirements for triggering set bonuses, so experiment to find the combinations that work best for you.

  14. Investigate for Rewards: Unlock investigations by examining tracks and slaying monsters. These quest variations offer more interesting challenges and better rewards, including rare decorations that enhance your abilities.


  1. Scout Flies: Your scout flies are a valuable tool for finding resources, tracking monsters, and navigating the world. Pay attention to their guidance, as they can lead you to important markers and resources.

  2. Track Footprints: Tracking footprints not only helps you earn research points but also uncovers valuable items and materials. Even if you don’t need them immediately, track every footprint you come across.

  3. Mark Your Targets: When you find a creature you want to hunt, use your map to mark it with a pin. If the monster runs away, you can track it wherever it goes on the map.

  4. Remember Resource Locations: Once you find a resource on the map, it will be permanently marked. Return to these locations to gather resources and materials.

  5. Environmental Hazards: Take advantage of environmental hazards during battles against larger monsters. Look for quicksand, vine traps, and other hazards that can give you an edge.

  6. Locational Resources: Each area you explore offers unique resources, such as specific bones. Explore every locale to find the materials you need for crafting high-end armor.

  7. Uncover Hidden Questlines: Each locale hides mini-questlines that unlock helpful resources, like temporary extra Palicos. Completing these quests is essential, especially for solo players.

  8. Keep an Eye on the Timer: Most missions have a time limit, but don’t let it overwhelm you. You’re usually given more than enough time to complete the objective. Focus on tracking and learning the monster’s attack patterns.

  9. Fast Travel: There’s no penalty for using fast travel to camps. If a monster is far away from your current location but closer to a camp, take advantage of fast travel to save time.

  10. Embrace Exploration: Expedition mode offers more than just hunting. Discover Palico tribes, learn fishing techniques, and catch critters to decorate your house. Don’t miss out on these additional activities.


  1. Customize Your Armor: In the endgame, armor sets often come in multiple varieties for each monster. Some options provide a few skills on a single piece of armor, while others offer one skill and a decoration slot. Experiment with different sets to create a build that suits your playstyle.

  2. Prepare for the Final Battle: Before the final campaign encounter, ensure that you have all your consumables ready. You won’t be able to change areas or find respite during this battle, so come prepared.

  3. Elder Dragon Fights: Elder Dragons pose a significant challenge but offer great rewards. Pay attention to their telegraphed “one-hitter” abilities and study their behaviors to find openings. Upgrading your armor, using appropriate consumables, and leveraging the environment will improve your chances of success.

For more tips and advice on Monster Hunter: World, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to solo the game.


Q: Can I play Monster Hunter: World solo?
A: Absolutely! While the game is designed to be played cooperatively, it is entirely possible to enjoy the game’s content on your own. The solo experience offers its own unique challenges and rewards.

Q: How do I unlock new armor sets?
A: To unlock new armor sets, you’ll need to collect materials from monsters. Defeating monsters and breaking off their body parts will yield the necessary materials for crafting new armor.

Q: What is the best weapon for beginners?
A: The best weapon for beginners ultimately depends on personal preference. Each weapon type has its own strengths and playstyle. Take the time to experiment and find the weapon that suits you best.

Q: How do I join multiplayer hunts?
A: You can join multiplayer hunts by using SOS Signals or inviting friends to your hunt. During campaign missions, there may be restrictions on when you can send out a flare, so pay attention to the mission’s cutscenes.

Q: Are there any post-game activities?
A: Yes, Monster Hunter: World offers post-game activities and challenges. After completing the main campaign, there are higher difficulty hunts and special event quests to tackle.


Monster Hunter: World is an incredible game that offers an immersive and challenging experience. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well-equipped to take on the monsters that await you. Remember to observe, learn, and adapt to each creature’s unique behaviors. Whether you prefer solo hunts or teaming up with friends, embrace the adventure and become a legendary monster hunter. Happy hunting!

Learn more about Monster Hunter: World at Wqaindia