Friday, 7 Feb 2025

Halo Infinite Bots: A Surprising Glitch, Not an Intended Feature

Welcome to the world of Halo Infinite, where the excitement is reaching new heights. In the latest Master Chief adventure, players noticed something interesting about the smart AI bots. Videos went viral showcasing these bots engaging in a teabagging-esque dance. However, 343 Industries has confirmed that this behavior was not intentional but rather a glitch in the game.

Bots Gone Wild

The teabagging phenomenon caused quite a stir within the Halo Infinite community. Gamers were amused and puzzled by the unexpected behavior of the smart in-game bots. Even though winning a match was nearly impossible, the bots still managed to entertain everyone with their W dance moves.

A Programming Oversight

In response to the teabagging frenzy, a representative from 343 Industries clarified that the bots were never programmed to taunt or teabag players intentionally. The purpose of these bots is to create an enjoyable and welcoming experience for players of all skill levels. Any teabagging-like behavior observed was simply a result of the bots struggling to navigate certain terrain, like going up stairs.

The Rise of the Teabagging Robots?

Although the explanation is logical and understandable, the idea of teabagging robots does sound intriguing. It’s a reminder of the evolving nature of technology and artificial intelligence. Perhaps, Will Smith’s warnings about the rise of the machines were not completely unfounded.

If you missed the first Halo Infinite Flight test, don’t worry. More early access periods are on the way. The developers are diligently working to iron out the final details before the game’s official release later this year.


Q: Will this glitch be fixed before the release of Halo Infinite?
A: Yes, the developers are aware of the glitch and are actively working to address it. Rest assured, the final version of the game will not have teabagging bots.

Q: How can I participate in future Halo Infinite early access periods?
A: Keep an eye out for announcements from the studio. They will provide information on how to sign up and participate in the upcoming early access events.


Halo Infinite continues to captivate gamers with its immersive world and thrilling gameplay. While the unintentional teabagging glitch provided some unexpected amusement, rest assured that the developers are committed to delivering a polished and enjoyable gaming experience. Stay tuned for more updates on Halo Infinite as we eagerly await its release.

Note: For more information about Halo Infinite and the latest updates, visit Wqaindia.