Friday, 24 Jan 2025

Answering Your Big Questions About Red Dead Online

The Red Dead Online beta has arrived, and we know you’re excited to dive into all of the adventures waiting for you in the wild west. In this article, we’ll address some of the most pressing questions you may have about what to expect in this immersive online experience.

When Does Red Dead Online Take Place?

Red Dead Online takes place just before the events of Red Dead Redemption II. This means you’ll have the opportunity to encounter familiar faces from the Van der Linde gang and explore the frontier with them. For example, you might run into Sadie Adler, who resides at Adler Ranch in the Grizzlies.

Who Do I Play As?

Similar to Grand Theft Auto Online, Red Dead Online allows you to create your own unique character. You have the freedom to customize their appearance, including their teeth, and their wardrobe. Additionally, you can set their base attributes, which will improve as you earn XP and complete various tasks throughout the world. Don’t forget about Ability Cards, which offer even more ways to personalize your character and enhance their skills.

What Features Cross Over From Red Dead Redemption II?

Many features from Red Dead Redemption II carry over into Red Dead Online. You’ll have the entire map of Red Dead Redemption II at your disposal, offering endless opportunities for exploration. While venturing in the wilderness, you can hunt, fish, set up a camp, and bond with your horse. You’ll also encounter Stranger missions that provide free roam missions to tackle. The nature of these missions depends on your honor system standing, which also carries over from the main game. Whether you’re an outlaw or an honorable cowboy, there will be missions tailored to your playstyle.

Can I Form A Posse With Friends?

Of course! Red Dead Online allows you to form posses with up to seven people. You and your friends can wreak havoc in small towns or work together to complete cooperative missions. Starting out, you’ll use temporary posses, but if you want to establish a persistent one, it will cost you $200 in-game dollars.

Is There A Story?

Absolutely! Red Dead Online features a narrative-driven experience called “A Land of Opportunities.” This four-player cooperative quest will continually expand with content updates from Rockstar. You’ll embark on a journey that involves truth, revenge, and honor. The actions you take during these missions and your honor standing will shape the trajectory of the story.

What About Competitive Play?

If you’re looking for some competitive action, the Red Dead Online beta offers five adversarial modes. These modes can be accessed at the Showdown Series signposts. Shootout and Team Shootout are your standard deathmatch variants, while Make It Count challenges you to be the last person standing using only throwing knives and your bow in a battle royale-style mode. Most Wanted is a unique spin on deathmatch where kills earn you points to climb the scoreboard. Hostile Territory is a classic domination mode. Lastly, Name Your Weapon rewards you for making skillful kills with certain weapons. Expect Rockstar to introduce new modes in the future, just like they did with Grand Theft Auto Online.

Are There Microtransactions?

Currently, microtransactions are not available in the Red Dead Online beta. However, Rockstar plans to introduce them in the future. Once implemented, you’ll be able to purchase Gold Bars, similar to GTA Online’s Shark Cards, to buy cosmetics and weapon customization options.

Where Can I Share My Feedback?

Your feedback is important to Rockstar. As this is a beta, they rely on the community to help improve the Red Dead Online experience. If you encounter any technical issues, you can visit the Rockstar Support site for assistance. Additionally, if you have suggestions for new features or changes you’d like to see, head over to the Red Dead Online Feedback page.


  • Q: When does Red Dead Online take place?

    • Red Dead Online takes place just before the events of Red Dead Redemption II. You’ll encounter familiar faces from the Van der Linde gang and explore the frontier with them.
  • Q: Can I form a posse with friends?

    • Yes, Red Dead Online allows you to form posses with up to seven people. You can either terrorize small towns or work together to complete cooperative missions.
  • Q: Are there microtransactions?

    • While microtransactions are not available in the beta, Rockstar plans to introduce them in the future. You’ll be able to purchase Gold Bars for cosmetic and weapon customization options.


Red Dead Online offers an expansive and immersive online experience set in the world of Red Dead Redemption II. With a wide range of activities, missions, and customization options, you’ll have no shortage of adventures to embark on. Join the beta and shape your own story in the wild west.

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