Welcome to the latest patch for Remix Rumble! After some challenges in the previous patch, we are excited to bring you a fresh start for the new year. We have addressed some issues with certain comps and made significant buffs to less popular units and traits. Get ready for a shake-up in the metagame! Let’s dive into the changes!
The most significant System changes for TFT Patch 14.1
We have added new Portals to Patch 14.1, with some exciting additions to spice up the in-game experience. Additionally, we have made adjustments to streaking, making it harder to gain gold through loss-streaking in Stage 2. Country Emblem can now be crafted using Spatula + Negatron Cloak, and there are no longer restrictions on 1/2/3-cost Headliners for rerolls. However, the restriction still applies to 4-cost and 5-cost Headliners.
Bạn đang xem: Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.1 – New Year, New Terror Twitch
Trait changes for TFT Patch 14.1
This patch brings significant buffs to Executioners, making them a force to be reckoned with. Sentinel, on the other hand, has taken a bit of a hit. Let’s take a look at the winners and losers:
The Winners: 8-Bit, Executioner, Hyperpop, Spellweaver, Emo, Guardian, Jazz.
The Losers: Country, Dazzler, EDM, K/DA, Crowd Divers, Pentakill 10, True Damage 9.
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Here are some notable changes to specific traits:
- 8-Bit AD per Stack: 4.5/7.5/12% ⇒ 5/9/14%
- Crowd Diver Bonus Damage: 5/30/60% ⇒ 12/30/50%
- Dazzler enemy damage reduction: 15% ⇒ 10%
- EDM Jax Spell Frequency: 7 ⇒ 8 sec
- EDM Spell Effectiveness: 80/100/110/125% ⇒ 90/100/110/130%
- Emo Mana Reduction: 20/25/30% ⇒ 20/30/40%
- Emo Mana on Ally Death: 10/20/25 ⇒ 20/30/40
- Emo 6 Piece Bonus AP: 20 ⇒ 10
- Executioner base Critical Strike Damage: 5/25/45% ⇒ 5/15/30%
- Executioner max Critical Strike Chance: 15/35/55% ⇒ 25/100/200%
- Guardian max HP Shield Amount: 25/40/60% ⇒ 25/45/70%
- And more…
Units – TFT Patch 14.1
Let’s take a look at the changes to units in Patch 14.1:
1-Cost Units: Annie, Olaf, and Yasuo have received buffs. Nami and Taric from the Disco trait have also been improved.
2-Cost Units: Bard, Kayle, and Kai’Sa have been buffed. Twitch has seen a small adjustment, but with the buffs to Executioners, the Twin Terror Twitch comp has become incredibly strong.
3-Cost Units: Ekko has received a slight nerf to his stun duration. Mordekaiser and Lux have received damage buffs. Lulu, Miss Fortune, and Neeko have also seen some buffs.
4-Cost Units: Ahri has been nerfed, bringing some balance to the previously dominant comp. Karthus is now the biggest winner, dominating with the 7 Pentakill comp plus Akali. Twisted Fate is a strong choice for Disco comps. Caitlyn and Poppy have received buffs and nerfs respectively. Viego has gained extra AD%, making him a formidable unit.
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5-Cost Units: Qiyana has been nerfed, while Sona, Lucian, and Ziggs have been buffed.
Items changes for Patch 14.1
Some notable changes have been made to items in this patch. Red Buff and Blue Buff have received nerfs, while True Damage Emblem has had its bling bonus removed. Other changes include buffs to Bloodthirster, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Evenshroud.
Augments changes for Patch 14.1
Several augments have been adjusted for better balance. Overperforming augments like Cybernetic Bulk and Little Buddies have been nerfed, while others have received buffs.
For the complete set of changes, be sure to check out the official Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes.
Q: Are there any new units in Patch 14.1?
A: Patch 14.1 introduces new portals, but no new units have been added.
Q: How will the changes to streaking affect the gameplay?
A: Streaking has been nerfed, making it more challenging to gain gold through loss-streaking in Stage 2.
Q: Which units have received the most significant buffs?
A: The winners in this patch include 8-Bit, Executioner, Hyperpop, Spellweaver, Emo, Guardian, and Jazz.
Q: Are there any significant changes to the item system?
A: Yes, some items have been nerfed, while others have received buffs. Be sure to check out the complete list for more details.
Q: What are the changes to the Augments?
A: Several augments have been adjusted for better balance. Cybernetic Bulk and Little Buddies have been nerfed, while others have received buffs.
With Patch 14.1, we aim to create a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience. We have addressed some dominant comps and made significant buffs to less popular units and traits. Get ready to explore new strategies and adapt to the ever-changing metagame. Have fun and enjoy playing Teamfight Tactics! Remember to check out the official Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes for the full details.
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