Friday, 18 Oct 2024

Support Role Position Guide in League of Legends

Support is an essential role in League of Legends that requires a different set of skills and game knowledge compared to other roles. While it may not demand as much mechanical prowess or resources, support players have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the game. In this guide, we will explore the various aspects of playing support, including laning, roaming, warding, and prioritizing your AD carry.

Laning: Bot Control = Dragon Control

During the laning phase, bot lane control is crucial as it directly affects dragon control. By establishing dominance in the bottom lane, you gain access to deeper river wards, the ability to roam mid, and assistance for your jungler. However, it is important to strike a balance between roaming and ensuring your AD carry doesn’t suffer too much from your absence. Counter-picking as a support can also give you a significant advantage in the lane.

Roaming: Not Abandoning Your ADC

As a support, you have opportunities to roam when your AD carry resets, the wave crashes, or they recall. You can join your jungler for ganks, counter-ganks, or cover other lanes. Additionally, you can help with objective control such as the herald and dragon. It is crucial to consider the state of the lane before roaming to ensure your AD carry doesn’t lose farm or experience. Communication with your team is key.

Warding and Vision Control

Supports play a vital role in warding and vision control alongside the jungler. When clearing and placing wards, safety is paramount. It’s essential to avoid face-checking alone and instead, wait for a teammate to accompany you. The type of vision control you prioritize depends on the enemy team’s potential plays and win conditions. Game knowledge and understanding the enemy champions are crucial in making informed decisions regarding vision.

Minimap Awareness

Unlike other roles, supports have more freedom to pay extra attention to the minimap. With less emphasis on last-hitting, you can focus on tracking the enemy jungler, your own jungler’s position, and identifying opportunities for roams or assistance. Keeping an eye on the minimap also helps you track enemy vision and cooldowns. However, it’s important not to overextend yourself and remember that teamwork is crucial for success.

Understanding Wavestates

Maximizing trades, roams, and ganks requires an understanding of wave states. While some supports may not have much influence over wave management, being aware of the danger level, safe waves for roams, and opponent’s intent can greatly impact your decision-making. Manipulating waves can also provide advantages in certain matchups, making it an important skill for supports to develop.

Duo Partnership

The partnership between the support and AD carry is a critical aspect of the bot lane. Certain combinations synergize well and amplify each other’s strengths, while others may lead to dis-synergy. Aggressive AD carries benefit from supports who can engage and all-in, while more passive AD carries require supports who can provide protection and sustain. Understanding the dynamics of your duo partnership is essential for success.

Trading: Think About Your ADC

When engaging in trades, it is important to focus your damage on the same target as your AD carry. This allows for maximum effectiveness and minimizes minion damage to your AD carry. Knowing the range and capabilities of your ADC is crucial in coordinating trades and ensuring favorable outcomes.

Playing for Your Carry

As a support, your primary objective is to enable your AD carry to succeed. This may involve sacrificing your own resources or making plays that benefit your carry, such as delaying the opponent’s recall, assisting in securing kills, or even sacrificing yourself to save your ADC. Different support champions have different playstyles, but the ability to operate on low resources is essential for supports.

Remember, as a support player, your impact extends beyond the bottom lane. By mastering the art of vision control, roaming effectively, and understanding wavestates, you can become a valuable asset to your team.


Q: What champions are best suited for the support role?
A: The support role accommodates a wide range of champions, including tanks, enchanters, and engage supports. It ultimately depends on your playstyle and the needs of your team.

Q: How can I improve my warding as a support player?
A: Warding efficiently requires knowledge of key areas and objectives. Communicate with your team to identify priority areas and coordinate vision control efforts. Additionally, analyzing replays and studying professional support players can provide valuable insights.

Q: Can a support carry games on their own?
A: While supports may not carry games in the traditional sense, their impact on the game’s outcome should not be underestimated. Supports have the ability to dictate vision control, enable their carry, and make game-changing plays.


Playing support in League of Legends requires a combination of game knowledge, map awareness, and teamwork. By mastering the various aspects of the role, such as laning, roaming, warding, and prioritizing your AD carry, you can become an invaluable asset to your team. Remember, your impact goes beyond the bottom lane, so always stay proactive and adaptive in your approach. Happy supporting!

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