Thursday, 17 Oct 2024

Afterwords: A Look into Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Guerrilla Games, known for their popular sci-fi FPS series Killzone, took a bold step outside of their comfort zone with Horizon Zero Dawn. This open-world RPG has taken the gaming world by storm, selling over 2.6 million copies in less than a month. In this article, we delve into the intriguing world, characters, and gameplay of Horizon and explore the challenges faced by the development team, as well as their plans for the future.

Transitioning to a New Genre

Making the switch from first-person shooters to an expansive open-world RPG was no easy task for Guerrilla Games. The team had to overcome numerous obstacles to ensure a seamless transition. One major challenge was preserving the intense and tactical combat style that they were renowned for in their Killzone series. The designers quickly realized that they had less control over combat encounters in an open-world setting. Additionally, creating a new, believable science-fiction universe from scratch required extensive imagination, research, and conceptualization. But the team’s hard work paid off, resulting in a rich and immersive world for players to explore.

Overcoming Design Challenges

Transitioning from linear games to an open-world structure presented a mental shift for the developers at Guerrilla Games. In linear games, every second is meticulously scripted and designed to control the player’s emotional experience. However, in an open-world game, the player has more freedom and agency, which posed a unique challenge for the designers. It took time for the team to shake off their old habits and embrace the player’s control in an open-world setting. Instead of designing a rollercoaster, they had to design a theme park, giving players the freedom to explore and make their own choices.

Designing the Open World

One of the challenges of open-world game design is balancing variety and density of content with the openness of the world. Guerrilla Games spent considerable time fine-tuning the pacing and placement of content in Horizon Zero Dawn. The world gradually opens up in three stages, allowing for the introduction of new features, machines, and activities. This approach motivates players to keep exploring without overwhelming them with too many options at once.

Stability and Testing

While many open-world games suffer from bugs due to their vast scope, Horizon Zero Dawn stands out for its remarkable stability. Guerrilla Games attributes this success to their meticulous testing process. They employed a core team of embedded specialist testers who had deep knowledge and expertise in specific areas of the game. The use of testing tools, debug views, and innovative exploratory techniques allowed them to identify and fix bugs efficiently, ensuring a smooth gaming experience.

Addressing Criticisms

Despite the overwhelmingly positive reception of Horizon Zero Dawn, there have been some criticisms, particularly regarding certain aspects being derivative of other open-world games. Guerrilla Games acknowledges these critiques and sees them as opportunities for improvement. They are closely analyzing the feedback to shape the future of the Horizon series, ensuring that each installment offers a unique and engaging experience.

Embracing Aloy’s Journey

Aloy, the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn, breaks the mold of traditional action game heroes. Her complex personality and personal quest to uncover the secrets of the game’s world make her a compelling character. Aloy’s tough exterior, cleverness, and underlying vulnerability due to her upbringing as an outcast drive her actions and interactions throughout the game. Her willingness to empathize with others adds emotional depth to the side quests, creating compelling narratives that resonate with players.

Aloy’s Relationships

Aloy encounters several male characters who show romantic interest in her, but the game does not pursue a romantic subplot. This decision was deliberate, as it aligns with Aloy’s story and the challenges she faces. Her primary focus is solving the riddle of her origins while navigating constant danger. Her interactions with NPCs reflect her guarded nature and lack of experience in forming deeper connections. The absence of romance allows Aloy to stay true to her quest and the emotional journey she undertakes.

Drawing Inspiration from Iconic Landscapes

The futuristic setting of Horizon Zero Dawn is based on the picturesque landscapes of Colorado and Utah. Guerrilla Games drew inspiration from the variety and natural landmarks of these regions to create a visually stunning world. Monument Valley, with its iconic rock formations, and other breathtaking sites influenced the game’s environmental features. The team aimed to capture the beauty and diversity of these landscapes, both in the game and in real life.

A Complete Story

Horizon Zero Dawn sets itself apart from many other games by delivering a satisfying conclusion. The game answers the big mysteries it sets up, providing players with a complete story rather than leaving loose ends for potential sequels. This deliberate choice allows Guerrilla Games to explore new narratives in the future, free from the constraints of unresolved plotlines.

The Future of Horizon

If a sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn materializes, the developers have one goal in mind: to create a story that resonates just as deeply as the original. They are humbled by the players’ emotional connection to Aloy and are committed to delivering a sequel that respects and expands upon that bond. Guerrilla Games is aware of the passionate support they have received and aims to exceed players’ expectations with each new installment.


Q: Will there be a sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn?
A: While nothing has been officially announced, Guerrilla Games is open to the possibility of a sequel. They are committed to creating an exceptional gaming experience and are carefully considering the next steps for the Horizon series.

Q: What sets Horizon Zero Dawn apart from other open-world games?
A: Horizon Zero Dawn stands out for its unique setting, compelling protagonist, and immersive gameplay. The combination of a richly imagined science-fiction universe, dynamic combat, and thoughtfully crafted quests makes it a standout title in the open-world genre.


Horizon Zero Dawn has captivated gamers worldwide with its stunning visuals, engaging story, and immersive gameplay. Guerrilla Games successfully navigated the challenges of transitioning to a new genre, creating a memorable open-world experience. With their commitment to delivering a satisfying conclusion and their focus on player feedback, the future looks promising for the Horizon series. As fans eagerly await news of a sequel, they can rest assured that Guerrilla Games is dedicated to honoring their investment by creating even more compelling adventures for Aloy and the world of Horizon Zero Dawn.