Friday, 18 Oct 2024

10 Ways Wargroove Enhances the Advance Wars Experience

Wargroove is an exciting game that draws heavily from the beloved Advance Wars series, capturing the hearts of fans who have longed for its return. While paying homage to its predecessor, Wargroove also introduces several clever and significant changes that enhance gameplay, adding a new depth of strategy to every move.

Critical Hits: A Game-Changing Mechanic

Perhaps the most notable change in Wargroove is the introduction of critical hits. Unlike the randomness often associated with critical hits, Wargroove allows players to strategically position their units for maximum damage. For example, regular soldiers are stronger when attacking near their commander, while dragons deal extra damage when attacking units on open roads. Utilizing critical hits effectively can make all the difference in battle, enabling players to achieve victory with fewer units.

Reworked Commanders: From Powerhouses to Strategic Assets

In Wargroove, commanders take on a different role than in Advance Wars. While still formidable on the battlefield, commanders have been toned down in terms of power. Their abilities are now limited to a small area surrounding them, making them valuable strategic assets rather than game-changing forces. Commanders can still turn the tide of a battle, but they no longer have the overwhelming influence they possessed in the past.

Villages vs. Cities: A New Dynamic

Capturing villages in Wargroove differs significantly from capturing cities in Advance Wars. Unlike the straightforward process of capturing a city, capturing a village requires careful positioning and consideration. In Wargroove, units only need to be adjacent to a village to initiate capture, allowing for quicker occupation. Additionally, capturing an enemy village comes with the risk of retaliation from the defending units, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game. It’s important to choose the right units to capture villages effectively, and keep an eye on their health as villages gradually regenerate.

Individual Units: No Fusion, New Strategy

Unlike in Advance Wars, Wargroove does not allow the fusion of units. This change encourages players to adapt their strategies by either healing units individually or using weaker units to shield stronger ones. The absence of unit fusion adds a new level of complexity to maintaining offensive pressure and protecting key units on the front lines.

Simplification of Resource Management

Wargroove eliminates the need to manage fuel and ammo for units, streamlining the gameplay experience. Units such as knights and dragons no longer tire or run out of ammunition, allowing for a more fluid and continuous assault. However, this change puts greater emphasis on the importance of trebuchets and ballistae in countering these powerful units.

Special Abilities of Unique Units

Certain units in Wargroove possess powerful abilities that set them apart from their counterparts in Advance Wars. Alchemists, for example, not only excel at combating airborne units but can also heal nearby units. Witches, on the other hand, possess the ability to damage multiple units within a specific area. While these units may be situational, utilizing their unique abilities strategically can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Improved Movement and Firing for Ranged Units

Wargroove introduces a significant change for ranged units, allowing them to move and fire on the same turn. This adjustment adds a new level of versatility to units like archers and warships, making them more effective at quickly eliminating enemy units. It’s also worth noting that archers can land critical hits if they remain stationary before attacking, making them particularly deadly when used strategically.

Weather Effects: Impactful but Manageable

While Wargroove simplifies weather effects compared to Advance Wars, they still play a role in the game. Heavy winds provide bonuses to specific unit types, while severe weather hampers unit movement. These weather conditions add an extra layer of strategy and variation to arcade and multiplayer battles, requiring players to adapt their tactics accordingly.

Mermen: The Exceptional Unit

Wargroove introduces the unique unit known as Mermen, which defies traditional unit classifications. Mermen can traverse both land and water, possess a ranged attack, and can capture villages. While not the most powerful unit, Mermen’s versatility shines in naval scenarios, making them a valuable asset in the right circumstances.

Beware the Fog of War: A Hidden Danger for Naval Units

In the realm of naval combat, Wargroove introduces an obscure detail that can make or break a match. When playing with Fog of War enabled, naval units ambushed under a bridge face instant destruction. This detail highlights the importance of maintaining awareness and adaptability during battles, as one small oversight can have significant consequences.


Q: Where can I play Wargroove?

A: Wargroove is available on various platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Visit the official Wqaindia website for more information.

Q: Can I combine units in Wargroove?

A: No, unlike in Advance Wars, Wargroove does not allow the fusion of units. Strategic unit management and positioning are key to success in the game.

Q: What are critical hits in Wargroove?

A: Critical hits in Wargroove are powerful attacks that deal extra damage when units are positioned correctly. They require careful planning and can significantly impact the outcome of battles.


Wargroove successfully builds upon the foundation laid by Advance Wars, introducing exciting changes that enhance the rich tactical experience. The implementation of critical hits, reimagined commanders, and the nuanced differences in capturing villages create a game that challenges both newcomers and seasoned players. With its unique mechanics and balanced gameplay, Wargroove stands as a must-play title for fans of the turn-based strategy genre.