Friday, 31 Jan 2025

Understanding Counter Picks in League of Legends

Counter picking in League of Legends is a strategic approach that goes beyond simply looking at win rates. It involves understanding why certain champions counter others and questioning the effectiveness of traditional counter picks. In this article, we will explore the different types of counterpicks, providing insights to help you make informed decisions in champ select.

Lane Priority: Controlling the Lane

Some champions always have priority in lane, allowing them to push and harass their opponents. However, having lane priority doesn’t guarantee kills or massive CS leads. For example, in an Azir vs Akali matchup, Akali may have higher kill pressure post-level 6. Control mages are popular because they generally have lane priority against most champions, except their specific counter. This advantage makes it difficult for opponents to support their jungler or sidelanes. While not a definitive counter, it provides an intrinsic advantage that can be capitalized on by you and your team.

Scaling: Safe Lanes and Low Map Impact Champions

Counter picking can also involve choosing a scaling champion to have a relatively safe lane. For instance, Kassadin vs Azir matchup allows Kassadin to scale safely despite lacking early priority and fighting power. Azir, as one of the weakest early skirmish champions, is unlikely to utilize his lane priority beyond harassing under your turret. While this may not seem like a typical counter, it smooths out your champion’s weaknesses and enables its strengths. However, you need to rely on your team to handle the pressure of you being constantly under turret.

Kill Pressure: The Threat of Violence

Many players perceive counterpicks as champions who can secure kills in lane. For example, Zed in mid lane with ignite can exert kill pressure on most champions post-level 6. This allows you to take control of the lane, snowball, or roam. However, to effectively utilize these counterpicks, you need matchup knowledge, aggressiveness, and the right rune choices.

2v2 Counter Picks

Certain matchups may not win in a 1v1 scenario but excel in 2v2 situations. For instance, Leblanc + Lee Sin vs Azir + any jungler can create a devastating combination. Although it requires teamwork and coordination with your jungler, recognizing this advantage allows you to bully the mid laner and gain control around mid lane. Even without securing kills, you can leverage your strength to gain other advantages.

Roaming: Impacting the Map

Roaming counterpicks are linked with having lane priority. Champions with strong lane control can effectively roam and impact the map. This is particularly effective against champions who want to stay in lane and scale. For example, Azir may have a CS lead, but it won’t matter if his bot lane is under constant pressure from a Galio tower dive.

On the other hand, you can also counter champions who rely on roaming. An example is Sylas vs Twisted Fate, where Sylas can steal Twisted Fate’s ultimate. This nullifies Twisted Fate’s significant advantage, causing a setback in his gameplay. This is why many players prefer picking Sylas into Twisted Fate.

Counter picks revolve around nullifying strengths, exploiting weaknesses, or securing winning lanes. However, it’s essential to consider that the choice of runes and summoner spells can invert a losing matchup to a winning one. Understanding why a champion counters another is crucial for effectively playing to your advantage.

Key Takeaways on Counter Picking in League

  • Counter picks come in different types.
  • You can choose champions for scaling, killing, roaming, or lane priority.
  • Understanding what your counter pick brings to the table is vital.
  • Play in accordance with the relative strength of your counter pick.

For more information on League of Legends and counterpicking strategies, visit the Wqaindia website.


Coming soon!


Counter picking in League of Legends requires a deep understanding of matchups and strategic thinking. By considering different types of counterpicks and their impact on the game, you can make informed decisions in champ select. Remember to play to the strengths of your counter pick and adapt your playstyle accordingly.