Every new set launch in Teamfight Tactics comes with its fair share of challenges and adjustments. The recent release of the Horizonbound set in Patch 13.18 introduced a few issues that needed to be addressed. In particular, the Bilgewater region was overperforming, causing frustration among players. However, the development team at Riot Games recognized their mistake and swiftly released a B-Patch to rectify the situation.
Comps/Units Nerfs
To restore balance and ensure a more enjoyable gameplay experience, several adjustments were made to specific comps and units. Here are the key nerfs:
Bạn đang xem: Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.18 B Hotfix Patch – Enhancing Gameplay and Balancing Units
- Bilgewater: Nilah, Miss Fortune, and 5/7 Bilgewater have been tuned down to prevent them from dominating the game.
- Strategist: Azir, Shields, and bonus Ability Power (AP) have been adjusted to maintain a fair playing field.
- Rogue: Qiyana and Ekko received substantial nerfs, especially Qiyana.
- Demacia: Poppy’s Radiant Item has been changed from Gargoyle Stoneplate to Protector’s Vow.
- Void: Cho’Gath’s mana has been nerfed to bring him in line with other units.
Augments Nerfs
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In addition to the comp and unit nerfs, some adjustments were made to the Augments to ensure a well-balanced gameplay experience:
- The Boss bonus has been nerfed.
- Shurima’s Legacy has been temporarily disabled.
- What the Forge’s health has been lowered.
To further improve the gameplay experience, bug fixes were implemented for Aatrox and Rapid Firecannon.
Image: An example of a Bilgewater composition
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For more details about all the changes included in Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.18B – Runeterra Reforged: Horizonbound, refer to the list below.
List of Changes for TFT Patch 13.18B – Runeterra Reforged: Horizonbound
- Bugfix: Darkin revive animation now has the intended shorter time.
- Bugfix: Aatrox is now invulnerable while reviving.
- Spell Damage: 100/150/500 >>> 95/140/500.
- Mana: 20/80 >>> 30/90.
- Bugfix: Ekko will no longer try to Rogue dash while casting and will no longer try to cast while Rogue dashing. This addresses cases where Ekko casts on himself while Rogue dashing during his cast.
- Spell Damage: 270/405/610 >>> 255/380/570.
Miss Fortune
- Mana: 10/50 >>> 10/60.
- Attack Speed: 0.85 >>> 0.8.
- Cleave Damage: 75/75/100% >>> 65/65/100%.
- Demacia Radiant Item: Gargoyle Stoneplate >>> Protector’s Vow.
- Health: 700 >>> 650.
- Mana: 20/80 >>> 40/100.
- Spell Range: 3 >>> 2 hexes.
- 3 Piece: 140 + 40% >>> 90 + 30%.
- 5 Piece: 200 + 60% >>> 125 + 50%.
- 7 Piece: 350 + 100% >>> 300 + 65%.
- Shield: 250/400/600/900 >>> 250/400/575/850.
- AP: 15/25/40/60 >>> 15/25/35/55.
The Boss
- Attack Speed (AS) and AP per sit-up: 45 >>> 40.
Shurima’s Legacy
- Temporarily disabled.
What the Forge
- Health: 160 >>> 110.
Rapid Firecannon
- Damage Amp: 12% >>> 8%.
Radiant Rapid Firecannon
- Damage Amp: 20% >>> 15%.
Bug Fixes
- Training Dummies can no longer be recombobulated and no longer deal Tactician damage.
For more content on the latest League of Legends and TFT updates, visit our News section. If you want to learn about the best current comps in Horizonbound, check out our Best TFT Comps by LeDuck and Augments Tier List sections.
Q: What is a B-Patch?
A: A B-Patch refers to a quick follow-up patch released to address issues or imbalances that were not adequately addressed in the initial patch.
Q: Why were Bilgewater units nerfed?
A: Bilgewater units were dominating the game, causing frustration among players. The nerfs aim to restore balance and ensure a fair gameplay experience.
Q: Are there any other changes in the patch?
A: Yes, in addition to the Bilgewater nerfs, there were adjustments made to other comps, units, traits, and Augments, as well as bug fixes and item changes. For a complete list of changes, refer to the article above.
The recently released B-Patch for Teamfight Tactics’ Horizonbound set brings much-needed balance to the gameplay experience. With adjustments made to Bilgewater units, as well as other comps, units, traits, and Augments, players can expect a more enjoyable and fair competition. Stay updated with the latest news and comp recommendations in the News section of the Wqaindia website. Happy gaming!
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