Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

League of Legends Early Patch 13.21: Jungle Adjustments and Champion Updates

Welcome to the League of Legends Early Patch 13.21 update! In this patch, we’ll be discussing the latest changes to the game, focusing on the Jungle adjustments and champion updates. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this article will provide you with all the necessary information to stay up-to-date.

Revert of Jungle Changes – Jungle Pet Adjustments

Let’s start by talking about the Jungle Pet adjustments. In the previous patch, there were significant changes made to the healing effectiveness of junglers from camps. While these changes were aimed at addressing balance issues, they unintentionally made it difficult for jungle picks to thrive.

To address this, some of the Jungle healing changes are being reverted in Patch 13.21. These adjustments will make Junglers feel better and allow them to have more impactful early games. However, with the healing cap removal, healing up after level 12 will become more challenging.

Champion Updates

Moving on to the champion updates, several champions have received adjustments to ensure a balanced gameplay experience. Let’s take a closer look:

Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol has been dominating the game recently, particularly in the mid lane. To address this, his scaling has been nerfed. The damage per tick and base burst damage of his Breath of Light (Q) ability have been adjusted, ensuring that he remains balanced while maintaining his early-game power.


Bel’Veth has received minor buffs, specifically to his Royal Maelstrom (E) ability cooldown. These changes aim to improve his viability without making him too overpowering.


Briar has been slightly overtuned, so some adjustments have been made to bring her in line. The attack speed per level has been reduced, and the AD ratio on her Snack Attack (W2) ability has been slightly decreased.


Caitlyn has seen a surge in popularity, especially with the Lethality build. To balance her out, her passive, Headshot, has received a slight increase in the critical strike chance ratio. Additionally, her ultimate, Ace in the Hole, has been tweaked to reduce its one-shot potential.

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo has become a dominant force in the top lane due to his scaling and the effectiveness of Grasp of the Undying. To prevent him from becoming too oppressive, his Blunt Force Trauma (E) ability has received a slight reduction in the bonus AD HP ratio.


Jinx’s passive, Get Excited!, has been adjusted to limit its stacking potential. Stacks are now capped at 5 and epic monster and structure takedowns no longer grant additional stacks beyond the first.


K’Sante has received a range of adjustments to improve his balance across different skill levels. His ultimate, All Out, now provides increased bonus damage. Additionally, various bug fixes and quality-of-life changes have been implemented.


LeBlanc has undergone some changes to make her AP LeBlanc playstyle more viable. The AP ratio on her Distortion (W) and Ethereal Chains (E) abilities has been increased, encouraging riskier play and engaging from the front.

Master Yi

Master Yi’s Wuju Style (E) ability cooldown has been reduced, compensating for the changes made to the Pet AD ratio and Avatar Upgrades that affected his effectiveness.


Morgana has received further buffs to improve her performance after the previous patch. Her Tormented Shadow (W) ability now deals increased damage per tick and has a higher monster damage ratio.


Rammus has been dominating the Jungle due to the recent changes, making him a highly contested pick. To address this, his Powerball (Q) ability has received a reduction in base damage, and the bonus Armor from his Defensive Ball Curl (W) has been slightly reduced.

Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench has seen some minor adjustments to improve his overall performance. His passive, An Acquired Taste, now deals adjusted damage, and the cooldown refund on his Abyssal Dive (W) ability has been increased.


Varus has received buffs to his on-hit damage build. The on-hit base damage on his Blighted Quiver (W) ability has been increased, and the slow on his Hail of Arrows (E) ability has been adjusted.

Brand and Zyra (Jungle)

Brand and Zyra have received adjustments that make them viable picks in the Jungle role. These changes include base stat tweaks and adjustments to their abilities’ damage scaling.


Seraphine has been a popular pick in various roles, but Riot aims to make her more viable as a support. Her base stats and abilities have been adjusted to encourage a support playstyle rather than a bot carry pick.

System Nerfs

Finally, we have some system nerfs that aim to maintain a balanced gameplay experience:

First Strike

First Strike has received a nerf to the bonus true damage it provides. This adjustment ensures that champions utilizing First Strike don’t gain an unfair advantage.

Phase Rush

Phase Rush, a powerful keystone, has received a reduction in the melee bonus movement speed it provides. This change prevents certain champions from abusing Phase Rush and maintaining a consistently unfair advantage.


Hullbreaker, an item commonly built by split-pushing champions, has had its bonus resistance values reduced. This change aims to level the playing field for champions who do not build Hullbreaker.


That concludes our overview of the League of Legends Early Patch 13.21 update. These changes aim to provide a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience for all players. As always, keep in mind that some adjustments may still undergo further changes before the patch goes live. Stay tuned for more content and updates in our News section!


Q: Will these changes affect the meta significantly?

A: Yes, these changes will have an impact on the meta and the way different champions are played. It’s important to adapt to these changes and explore new strategies.

Q: Are there more changes outside of the ones mentioned in this article?

A: Yes, there are more changes that have been made. For a full list of changes, please refer to the official patch notes.

Q: When will Patch 13.21 go live?

A: The exact release date for Patch 13.21 has not been announced yet. Keep an eye on official announcements for more information.